Marcin Kaminski
Lodz University of Technology
Prof. Marcin Kami?ski has been a full professor in the Department of Structural Mechanics, ?�d? University of Technology since 2015 and now He is the Head of the Discipline Civil Engineering, Geodesy & Transportation in the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture & Environmental Engineering since 2019. He worked before in Division of Mechanics of Materials (1994-2009), was the Head of Department of Steel Structures (2010-2013); then He joined Department of Structural Mechanics as the Head of Division of Structural Reliability.
His main research includes the Stochastic Finite Element Method (and some other discrete stochastic numerical methods), numerical modeling of random composites including homogenization theory, reliability assessment and optimization of civil engineering structures, stochastic ageing processes, and also recently - an application of probabilistic entropy in engineering computations (in the framework of the research grant OPUS no. 2021/41/B/ST8/02432 sponsored by the National Science Center in Cracow, Poland).
He spent a postdoctoral study at Rice University in Houston, TX, USA, was a visiting professor at Leibniz-Institute of Polymer Research in Dresden, Germany, and also at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. He authored more than 200 research papers in various journals including International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Composite Structures, International Journal of Solids & Structures, and also Computers & Structures. He published two monographs: �Computational Mechanics of Composite Materials�, Springer, 2005, and also �The Stochastic Perturbation Method for Computational Mechanics�, Wiley, 2013. He serves as the associate editor in Mechanics Research Communications (by Elsevier, since 2013) and the member of editorial board in International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (Wiley), Acta Mechanica (Springer), Computers & Structures (Elsevier), Journals of Composites Science and SCI (MDPI).
He was the recipient of the fellowships from Foundation for Polish Science (1996 & 1999), J. Argyris Award from ECCOMAS and Elsevier (2001), J.T. Oden Scholarship at The University of Texas (Austin, TX, USA, 2004), and also some Polish national or academic awards including Bronze Cross of Merit (1998), Silver Cross for the Longstanding Service (2017), Medal of Commission of Education (2022), and also very recently The Research Prize of Ministry of Education & Science in 2023. He has been recognized recently (since 2021) as the World�s Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University, CA, USA.
Prof. M. Kami?ski teaches mainly the courses relevant to Structural Reliability, Optimization & Parametric Design and Finite Element Method, but also various courses related to Steel Structures, Strength of Materials and Theoretical Mechanics. He coauthored (with prof. B. Rogowski) the academic textbook �Technical Mechanics� having two editions � in 2009 & 2013. He taught in His career many academic courses for Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Architecture & Architecture Engineering. He served as the promoter for 8 Ph.D. theses as well as for more than 40 M.Sc. and B.Sc. students.